
It is remarkable that the news media in this country has unanimously declared that Britains referendum outcome is good for the Coalition because voters will crave consistency.

It is equally remarkable that the Coalition has successfully run with this line through the last couple of weeks of campaigning, updating their "jobs and growth" slogan to "stick to the plan: stability, jobs, growth".

Let's remember that this government came to power in 2013 and then promptly broke as many election commitments as possible. Its first budget was roundly criticised as unfair and reckless. The government plummeted in the polls. The current leader, Prime Minister Turnbull, brought down a first-term sitting Prime Minister. Since then, he has led a government that has produced no plans for country, instead runnning a series of poorly developed thought bubbles - an increase to the GST, state-based income taxes, etc.

Stability is a wonderful thing in the right circumstances. Continuity under this government, however, would produce yet ore chaos. They would be advised to take their own advice - stick to the plan.

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